Purpose of Meeting
The Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) is proud to provide Health Promotion workshops for people age sixty and over. In collaboration with public and private health and social service partners and community volunteers, the ADRC promotes effective prevention efforts to keep people healthy and independent.
Evidence-based workshops teach new skills and activities that encourage individuals to develop a healthy lifestyle and reduce their risk in the community.
Drop in to this workshop sampler, where participates will be involved in an interactive demonstration of the movements one would expect in the full-length classes and workshops.
A few demonstrations will include:
-Chair sit-to-stands
-Knee extensions
-Bicep curls
-Tai Chi walking
The instructor will discuss the benefits of each workshop and the movements involved.
For more information on full-length workshops scheduled at this time, contact the ADR to register or get on a waitlist so you can be the first to know when something is available.
Sheboygan County ADRC
650 Forest Ave.
Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085