How to Request Items from Other Libraries
Mead Public Library participates in the statewide interlibrary loan service. Through this service we can obtain millions of items not available through the Monarch Library System from libraries throughout Wisconsin, the Midwest and the rest of the U.S.
Check Monarch First!
Begin by searching the Monarch Catalog to see if the item you need is available through the Monarch Library System. If it is available within the system, you may request that it be transferred to Mead Library and held for pickup at Mead. You may make the request within the Monarch Catalog, in person at any library service desk, or by telephone (920-459-3400, ext. 4).

Not on Monarch? Check WISCAT!
Search the state WISCAT catalog for items from libraries outside the Monarch Library System; items that are at least 6 months old can be requested. Submit your request to a librarian at the Customer Service Desk on second floor or call 920-459-3400 ext. 4. If you would like to make your own request, ask library staff to help you set up an account in WISCAT. In order to request interlibrary loan service you must have a library card.
When we receive an item you have requested you will be notified to pick it up at the first-floor customer service desk.
The loan period for an interlibrary loan book is determined by the lending library and is strictly honored by Mead Public Library. There is no grace period on interlibrary loans. Mead Public Library late, lost and damaged book charges apply to interlibrary loan materials; but lending libraries may also assess additional fees for items that are excessively late, damaged or lost.
To inquire about the status of an interlibrary loan request or to request an extension on the due date, call 920-459-3400 ext. 2048. Extensions must be requested before the book is due.