Don't have a library card yet? Register now.
Trying to access your account online? Log in here.
Looking for books and more? Search the catalog.
Want to manage your account from your phone? Download our app.
Your Online Mead Library Account
Log in to your online account to search for books and other items, view your current checkouts and due dates, place holds, and renew your materials. You can also reset your account password/PIN. We do require you to renew your card annually. If you are looking for help with specific functions, see our Account FAQ page or call us at 920-459-3400.
Reserving Library Items
You may request an item by clicking "Place Request" when searching the Monarch Catalog. We will notify you by telephone, e-mail or text when it is available for pickup. To place a hold by phone, call 920-459-3400, ext. 2. Click here for a short tutorial to guide you through the process.
Holds Pickup + Try Our New Holds Lockers!
Reserved items are available for pickup using our first-floor holds pickup area when the library is open, or anytime by using Mead's 24/7 Library Pickup locker kiosk located outside the building.
To use the holds lockers choose Mead Library as your “pickup library” when requesting an item, and the “24/7 holds lockers” as your “pickup area."
Returning Items
Materials can be returned 24/7 using our outdoor book drops or inside using our automated book return. For your convenience you may return materials to other public libraries in Dodge, Ozaukee, Sheboygan and Washington counties or to the bookmobile. You may also return materials to most public and university libraries elsewhere in Wisconsin for transport to Mead via the state library delivery service. However, it may take a week or more for materials to reach us via the state delivery service and the due dates still apply.
Due Dates
- New adult books & audiobooks: 14 days
- Older adult books & audiobooks: 28 days
- All children’s books: 28 days
- New DVDs/Blu-rays: 7 days
- Older DVDs/Blu-rays: 14 days
- Video Games: 28 days
- CDs: 14 days
- Magazines: 14 days
- Encyclopedias: 28 days
- Experience Passes: 7 days
- Ukuleles: 28 days
- Toys: 7 days
Mead Library is Fine Free
Mead Library cardholders are no longer charged fines for overdue items. Cardholders are still billed for lost and damaged items (including mismatched or incomplete items such as audiobooks with missing one CD or toys that are missing parts). Accounts are temporarily blocked once items are two weeks overdue.
Studies show that late fines do not impact return rates. Instead, fines remove access to the library from people who benefit the most from our services, such as low-income residents and seniors on fixed incomes. Ensuring access for all is essential to what we do, and it goes against our mission to continue a model that ultimately turns away our most vulnerable community members.
No. Mead cardholders will not be charged fines for overdue items, regardless of where the item originates. If you physically pick up your book from another library and a late fee shows up on your account (which may happen in some scenarios), we will waive it.
Late fines have been eliminated retroactively for all Mead cardholders, regardless of where the late items were from.
Lost & Damaged Materials
When you apply for a library card you accept responsibility for returning borrowed materials on time and in the same condition in which you received them.
If you lose an item you will be billed for the cost of the item at the time it was purchased by the library. Materials overdue by two weeks are considered lost. If you find a lost item within 6 months of paying for it, the cost of the book will be reimbursed.
If you damage an item so seriously that it can no longer be used you will be billed for the price of the item at the time it was purchased by the library. Less serious damage will be billed according to a standard list of charges.
You must pay charges for lost and damaged materials before you can check out other materials.