COASTAL YPWEEK Let's Be Real: A Community Conversation on Civic Innovation

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This is not a library sponsored event.

Purpose of Meeting

Let's be real: People talk. They talk about things you like, and things you don't like. They talk about ideas and dreams, the past and the future. They throw around words like "community" and "workforce" and "civic innovation." What does it mean for Sheboygan County and for you as a citizen? Coastal YPN's mission is to provide young professionals with opportunities to serve as civic innovators. But what exactly is "civic innovation" and how can you become a "civic innovator?" Be a "real" part of the conversation as we work to define what all of these things mean to us. In the form of a speaker crawl, hear from local pros on our community's governance and growth, learn about the opportunities for collaboration, and participate in knowledge sharing. Learn how YOU can become a "civic innovator." We all have ideas and dreams, and we all want to share - this is our chance. Be part of your community by engaging with it! Register to attend: