Friends of Peace Park Sheboygan

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This is not a library sponsored event.

Purpose of Meeting

Public event to introduce the beautification/landscape plans for the Deland Park/Sheboygan Peace Park located on the corners of 3rd- Broughton Dr. and Michigan Ave. This is a City of Sheboygan public park with a tall Peace Pole located in the NW corner that says "May Peace Prevail on Earth " in 16 different languages. Our group- Friends of Peace Park Sheboygan, has been planting, weeding, and maintaining this Park since 2013. Now we are planning to re-landscape and rejuvenate this gem of a Park with new plantings, pathways, and a paved "platform" for future outdoor public and/or private events. We have recently received permission from the City of Sheboygan Parks and Forestry Commission (Joe Kerlin) and the Sheboygan Common Council to move forward on this process. We are inviting the community to a presentation and Q & A session about this wonderful project. Please visit our page on Facebook page: Thank you!