Babies ages 6 to 23 months are invited to bring their favorite adult to this fun and interactive 20-minute program. We will share simple books, lap bounces, songs, rhymes and fingerplays.
Air Force One with Harrison Ford & Gary Oldman. R, 1997, 124 minutes.
Drop in fourth Mondays, 5-7pm, for Lego Club in the Imaginarium for teens and adults!
Preregistration is not required, but appreciated.
Drop in for self-guided open studio time. Craft some cards, paint a picture, bead a bracelet, sew a circuit, or print in 3D. You are only limited by your imagination!
Professor Albus Dumbledore will read chapters from the book Harry Potter and The Socrerer's Stone (for 6 consecutive Monday nights)
Taught by award winning artist, Lil' Rev, this class is sponsored by Kala Ukuleles for the benefit of the absolute beginner. You don’t need any experience or even a ukulele — we’ll provide one for you! All you need to do is show up!