Crossing the Line: The Milwaukee Fair Housing Marches of 1967-1968
at Mead Public Library Wednesday, April 11, 2018 - Tuesday, May 1, 2018
How do citizens work for change when faced
Mead Public Library
710 N. 8th Street
Sheboygan, WI 53081
United States
The library will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 28, and Friday, Nov. 29, in observance of Thanksgiving.
How do citizens work for change when faced
Money Smart Kids
Money Smart Kids
Will I have enough to retire? Will my retirement income last? Are my assets protected? Manage six key risks all retirees face: outliving their income, inflation, unpredictable events, market volitility, income taxes and rising he
Drop in for self-guided open studio time. Craft some cards, paint a picture, bead a bracelet, sew a circuit, or print in 3D. You are only limited by your imagination!
Drop-In recommended for grades 2-6
When someone plans to retire, social security will likely be an important part of the road ahead. This program will help clients understand the "rules of the road" when it comes to collecting social security.
Do I need a trust to avoid probate? How can I transfer my home and retain my rights? How do I save my assets for my family? Have an attorney explain it for you.
A recent audit revealed that Social Security underpaid benefits for 82% of dually-entitled widows. So, whether you are currently drawing Social Security, are ready to retire, or plan on applying for benefits in the future, this seminar will
Looking for a little mystery and suspense?
Student loans are a common way to fund education, specifically college and graduate school, and they provide educational opportunities that individuals otherwise may not be able to afford. However, in many cases, college graduates are left w