A fun and interactive 30-minute storytime featuring books, music, and movement for preschoolers and their families. A simple craft or literacy activity is provided after each session.
Holiday Schedule
The library will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 28, and Friday, Nov. 29, in observance of Thanksgiving.
A fun and interactive 30-minute storytime featuring books, music, and movement for preschoolers and their families. A simple craft or literacy activity is provided after each session.
Join us for Teen Craft time in the Imaginarium, first Wednesdays, 2:30pm - 4pm.
Yarn Eggs
Drop-in recommended for grades K-6. Create a new LEGO project monthly. Work alone or with others. The library has a supply of LEGOs, so no need to bring your own.
January 2nd, February 6th, March 6th, April 3rd, May 1st
Regardless of when someone plans to retire, Social Security will likely be an important part of the road ahead. But many don't understand the "rules of the road" when it comes to collecting Social Security benefits. This workshop will
Drop in for self-guided open studio time.
Explore Adobe Creative Suite 6, Arduino, LilyPad, Makey Makey, littleBits, LEGO Mindstorms and more!
Relax with some coloring.
Identity theft continues to be the fastest growing crime in the United States. The more you learn about it, the less vulnerable you are. Jeff Kersten, Agency Liaison with the Wisconsin Bureau Of Consumer Protection will explain th
Social Security makes up 40% of the average retiree's income, yet a 2018 audit discovered that Social security underpaid benefits for 82% of dually-entitled widows. If you are currently retired, or plan on retiring in the near fu
Join the Mead Library Poetry Circle with Karl Elder, Professor of Creative Writing and Poet in Residence at Lakeland University. Bring along poetry from any time period to read and discuss, including your own works. All are welcome!&nb
Do I need a trust to avoid probate? How can I transfer my home and retain my rights? How do I save my assets for my family? Can my family avoid guardianship court? Have an attorney explain it for you.