
Holiday Schedule

Mead Library will be closed Dec. 24-25 and Dec. 31-Jan. 1 in observance of Christmas and New Year's. Happy Holidays!


Primary tabs

Program Type:

Craft, Culinary, Workshop

Age Group:

Everyone, Kids, Teen, Adult
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.

Program Description

Event Details

Join Mead Library and our community partners as we chase away the winter blues and welcome the greens of spring. Featuring free activities and workshops for all ages, including fitness, nutrition, science, crafts, cooking, gardening and other green-themed topics.

Community partners include: Above & Beyond Children's Museum, Amanda Strojinc, Community Recreation Department, Elevate Yoga, Goodside Grocery, Green Bicycle Co., Horizons4Girls, JoAnne Friedman, Jon Doll and Jane Lang, Marilyn Montemayor, MilliporeSigma, Moraine Shores Audubon, Nourish Farms, Play is Healing, Rachael Haas, Sheboygan Active Transportation, Sheboygan County Food Bank, Stefano’s Slo Food Market, Terra Sol Gardens, and the YMCA.


9am-9:30am | Jerry Black Café

Green Smoothies with Bria Weyker, Nourish Farms

Dark Green Leafy Vegetables Nutrition Education

All Ages


9am-10am | Quiet Study Room

Tai Chi with Jon Doll and Jane Lang

Ages 14+


9am-10am | Rocca Meeting Room

Curiosity Labs with MilliporeSigma

Ages 8+


9:00am-4pm | Children’s Activity Room

Coffee Filter Flower Making with Above & Beyond Children’s Museum


9:00am-4pm | Lobby

Mead Scavenger Hunt


9:00am-4pm | Public Conference Room 1

Silent Reading Room

Ages 11+


9:00am-4pm | Public Conference Room 2

Meditative Doodling and Coloring

Ages 11+


9:30am-11am | The Loft

Food Preserving with Amanda Strojinc, Hopefully Homesteading


9:30am-10am | Children’s Story Garden

Grandma Jo’s Clover Show Story Time

Ages 3+


10am-11am | Library Plaza Lawn North (behind the fountain)

Grandma Jo’s Clover Show Seeding Party

White clover seeding, songs, celebration and education on the “original lawn”.
Ages 3+


10am-12pm | Imaginarium

Bird Feeder Building with Moraine Shores Audubon

Ages 11+


10am-3pm | Third Floor Main

Face Painting with Horizons4Girls


10:00am-4:00pm | Jerry Black Café

Food Court by Stefano’s Slo Food Market

Featuring healthy and delectable foods for purchase

11am-12pm | Rocca Meeting Room

Spring-is-on-its-way Cooking with Marilyn Montemayor

Ages 11+


11:00am-1:00pm | Second Floor Main

Egg Carton Starter Gardens with Mead Library

Ages 3+


11:00am-4:00pm | First Floor Main

Green Bicycle Company and Sheboygan Active Transportation Booth

Demonstrations on patching and replacing bike tire tubes.


11:00am-4:00pm | First Floor Main

Goodside Grocery Food Cooperative


11:15am-12:45pm | The Loft

Fermenting with Amanda Strojinc, Hopefully Homesteading


1:00pm-2:00pm | Rocca Meeting Room

Microgreens with Debra Denzer, Terra Sol Gardens

Ages 11+


1:00pm-3:00pm | The Loft

Beekeeping with Amanda Strojinc, Hopefully Homesteading


1:30pm-4:00pm | Children’s Story Garden, Children’s Activity Room, Maas Teen Center

Play is Healing: Ages 3-10

  • 1:30pm-2pm | Children’s Story Garden
    Mead Storytime with Alison Loewen, Mead Public Library
  • 1:30pm-4pm | Children’s Activity Room
    Coffee Filter Flower Making with Above & Beyond Children’s Museum
  • 2pm-4pm | Maas Teen Center
    Play Activities with MilliporeSigma, YMCA, and the Community Recreation Department


2:00pm-3:00pm | Quiet Study Room

Yoga with Jackie Wing, Elevate Yoga


2:00pm-3:30pm | Imaginarium

Bring on the Sun(catchers) with Mead Library

Ages 8+


All Day | Lobby

WinterGreen Information Table


All Day | Lobby

Sheboygan County Food Bank Collection


All Day | Second Floor Main

Mead Seed Library


All Day | Second Floor Main

Mead Plant Cutting Exchange